Rebuilt Elto Rudder Twin and Speedster coil
Price: InquireContact us for further details , and availability.
Price: InquireContact us for further details , and availability.
tiller holding bracket Price: Inquire
Super C, Speeditwin, Speedi 4 1930′s screw head Price: Inquire
Super C, Speeditwin, Speedi 4 1930′s screw with return of your old screw for the steel core. Price: Inquire
transom pad early model plain & A Price: Inquire
model C,G,J speedster & quad transom pad Price: Inquire
Super C, Speeditwin, Speedi 4 1930′s pad Price: Inquire
C,G,J speedster & quad transom screw 2 hole script model Price: Inquire
transom screw 3 hole early model plain & A Price: Inquire
speedboat. dealer window Decal Cat# DWS-10 Price: $6.50
Evinrude & Elto Lightwin, Lightweight 400 series, 1930′s pad Price: Inquire
Transom Pad Price: Inquire
clamp pad fits 4-60, Speediquad etc.( bronze) Price: Inquire
carb fuel bowl top used on many models 1928 to 1948Price: Inquire
tiller handle Price: Inquire
prop nut (bronze) Price: Inquire
prop nut (bronze) Price: Inquire
tiller”Y”bracket C&D Models Price: Inquire
clamp pad,for Ace, Handitwin, Lightwin, Super SinglePrice: Inquire
timer top Price: Inquire
prop nut (bronze) Price: Inquire
magneto lever: light weight battery Ign. Price: Inquire
prop nut, (bronze ) Price: Inquire
transom clamp screw (bronze) fits Speedster Price: Inquire
prop nut,also fits: 4-60, Speedifour (bronze) Price: Inquire
coil bracket 1928 Price: Inquire
prop nut,also Sportfour, Fleetwin, Jr. Quad. (bronze)Price: Inquire
timer button 1929 Price: Inquire
clamp pad fits Speedster (bronze ) Price: Inquire
carb. levers: Pal, Handitwin, Scout, Mate, Ace Price: Inquire
coil bracket Price: Inquire
tiller bracket, 1928-’30 Mod. U Price: Inquire
tiller bracket,1928-’30 Mod. U Price: Inquire
carb. fittings for 1928/29 Price: Inquire
timer con rods bronze or aluminum Price: Inquire
needle valve levers, also fits Sr. Speedster (bronze) Price: Inquire
fuel cap Price: Inquire (Un-machined)
tiller accessory unit 1929 Price: Inquire
tiller clamp wing bolt Price: Inquire
con rod for Atwater Kent timer, (bronze) Price: Inquire
Speeditwin 6026 to 6032 Price: Inquire
Evinrude Silver Anniversary Price: Inquire
Shear Pin Guide Price: Inquire
Ace 4205-6 Price: Inquire
Fisherman Model 4016-17-18-19 Price: Inquire
Sportster model 4432 Price: Inquire
Handifour 4219-45 to 49 Price: Inquire
Elto & Evinrude Fisherman 4016-17- 18-19, 4092-to-96, 4121-22 Price: Inquire
Speedster 5101 Price: Inquire
Service Twin 4161,2 4151, 4216,18,29 416364, 4214, 15 Price: Inquire
And Evinrude sales Price: Inquire
Fleetwin 4335-6 Price: Inquire
Sales Price: Inquire
Evinrude Single 4000-05-08-13 Price: Inquire
Cub 4264 Price: Inquire
Ace 4145-4195 Price: Inquire
Super Single 436 637 Price: Inquire
Ace model 4301- 02 Price: Inquire
Handitwin 4158-9 Price: Inquire
Super C 634 to 641 Price: Inquire
Handitwin 4307-8 Price: Inquire
Evinrude Sales Price: Inquire
Light Weight 444-445 Price: Inquire
Pal model 4266, 4253 Price: Inquire
Elto & Evinrude Sales Price: Inquire
Sales Price: Inquire
Speeditwin 6034-37 Price: Inquire
Elto & Evinrude Lightwin 4097 to 4101, 4127 , 28 Price: Inquire
all models – call or write for availability Price: Inquire
Evinrude Lightfour Imper4042-47 Price: Inquire
Quad (like Speedifour) Price: Inquire
Lightwin Sales Price: Inquire
Service A 424-425 Price: Inquire
Senior Speedster Price: Inquire
Rudder Twin G & H Price: Inquire
Evinrude Speeditwin, Super C Price: Inquire
Electric Start Price: Inquire
Lightwin Sales Price: Inquire
Fisherman 413-14 Price: Inquire
Speedster, Quad, Rudder Twin Price: Inquire
Rudder Twin C & D Price: Inquire
Sales Price: Inquire
Speedster Price: Inquire
Sales Price: Inquire
Super C 624-626 Price: Inquire
Quad (not illustrated) Price: Inquire
A & B Rudder Twin Price: Inquire
Model(s):JrQuad & Sport 4 Jr. Quad Price: Inquire
Super Rudder Twin Price: Inquire
Master Parts List all models Price: Inquire
Sales Price: Inquire
Speedster Price: Inquire
Master Instructions only Price: Inquire
Super “C”Price: Inquire
Rudder Twin, Quad,Sales Price: Inquire
Rudder twin Price: Inquire
Racing Motors Price: Inquire
Rudder Twin J & K Price: Inquire
Special Speedster 905 Price: Inquire
Light Twin Sales Price: Inquire
Foldlight 403-404 Price: Inquire
Model(s):All Sales Catalog Price: Inquire
Super A, 422, 423, 456 to 59 Price: Inquire